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Distribution R. Désilets
134, 7th avenue, Daveluyville
GOZ 1CO, Quebec, Canada
(Exit 220 of Highway 20)

Phone: 819 367-3015
Toll free: 1 855 367-3015
Fax: 819 367-2858

Email: info@rdesilets.com

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Visit of our plants by the school Le Chantal from Laval

april 14, 2016
Visit of our plants by the school Le Chantal from Laval

On April 8th, we were happy to welcome the Le Chantier school from Laval for a visit. Having missed our open-house days, the teachers expressed a desire to come visit our business; a request that we proudly accepted.

In all, eleven visitors showed up at our plant at around 9:30 am. Following introductions and a lengthy discussion in the employee's lounge, we took them for a visit of the plant, where they saw machines in action, employees at work, as well as our products. Then, we walked over to the wood plant for a similar visit. An added surprise: in the back of the plant, we had set up a wall of panels just for them.

They seemed very pleased with their visit and we were happy to host them!

To see all photos, please click here.

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